Crown And Glory Of Life πŸ’«

Yes, it's true; that 
"The crown and the glory of life is character". πŸ‘‘
You can earn the prestige you want by your gentle and kind character. You can build a good character by serving yourself to the world especially to the ones who need you the most. But ultimately it's your choice, how you serve yourself but you must. Escaping from your duties and responsibilities can't give you the glory of life. The glory and crown is what most people want but they all don't deserve so. You must first selflessly give yourself to the world then the world will definitely give you the position you deserve and honour you prestigiously. And talking of crown; yes, it will come automatically when you'll have the glory.🌸
 Life's already a bed of thorns and a basket of hurdles so to enjoy it, you must not expect much from this world and when you'll do your part, character will build up and no one will be able to snatch it because it's you yourself. So, build up a good character  and everything will be under your feet. Just try to focus on your goal and go smoothly for it. No matter how much hurdles or stones come your way, just kick them off your path, you'll achieve what you want. But one should also take care of her destiny. If destiny is going against you then accept it and choose another path, you will definitely get 
something. ✨
Don't think of your failures and mistakes as useless. They give you experiences and make you stronger. And always try to do better and learn from your previous mistakes so that you will not repeat them in future also. Survival is the most important part of yours. Always the best one survives, others are just kicked off and vanish . So try to build up yourself as hard as a weapon for you'll not at least feel disappointed by your lackings and weaknesses. World always needs the strong and useful ones. Be the better you, world will definitely beg for you. Don't become an addictive drug for the world otherwise you will be misused by it. Raise and flower the ones like you, they'll make you forever in the world and their life too will become medicine for others. πŸ’Š
Isn't it too long? My head is aching. But I'll do it whatever it takes me to. So this is the determination everyone needs and be motivated, you'll never become distracted. Try 100 times or 1000 times but try till the achievement is yours but it should be selfless and of course for the welfare of the world. Build up your character, your glory with her crown will come herself. πŸ’Ž
Should I continue? Isn't it too long? Am I distracted from the topic? If it is, then apologies, but my mind is now roaming and playing around some things. If the same question comes in your skull then give it some rest, nourish it with good sleep, thoughts and food. You'll be able to continue your journey towards I don't know what. Till then, love yourself to the moon and back! 



Unknown said…
Where do you get these heartouching paragraph ❤️
Snehit Rawat said…
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Snehit Rawat said…
From beneath my heart. ❤
Snehit Rawat said…
Who r u? πŸ˜‚ Tell me first?
Vishal said…
"Always the best one survives." Well, that's true. But the question is what is best. Everything is best in its own way, No body can claim a particular work, job, thought, action or karma as best.

Anyways, I like it. Keep growing!!🌱
Neha said…
How thoughtful. Well done! πŸ‘
Snehit Rawat said…
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Snehit Rawat said…
Thanks. Best in its own way, yup. πŸ‘πŸ˜Š
Sanchit said…

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